Author Releasing His Book on New Born Baby Love and Care
Released on = September 17, 2006, 12:15 pm
Press Release Author = Ecostar Design
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = First-time author Teodor Miroslav Muntean, the parent of nine children, says that his book - Baby's First Year - a complete instruction manual, full of information and advice for new and experienced parents, will enter the #1 spot in few days after releasing.
Press Release Body = Iasi, IS, Romania (PRWEB) September 17, 2006 - Teodor Miroslav Muntean, successful parent and entrepreneur, the owner of Ecostar Design consulting company, speaker and now coauthor, claims that his book will enter the #1 spot in few days. Because of the timing and the partnerships that Muntean has created, he says there is a momentum happening around the book that is increasing fast now that the book has been released through the book\'s website
"I have offered a limited number of pre-orders for the book, and they have been snatched up immediately. The amount of interest in this book is amazing.\"
Muntean says, "Long time ago, being young parents ourselves we know how frustrating it can be to be \'thrown in the deep end\' with the arrival of a new baby. It\'s an exciting time and if you are like most expectant parents, you can\'t wait for your new bundle of joy to arrive. But how do you know what to do once your baby has arrived?"
\"Baby\'s First Year is a book that parents need and are ready for. So many young and even experienced parents are looking for success in the areas of love, parenting and parental control, but they\'re not sure how to achieve it. Good news from me and my wife - the parents of nine and grandparents of six - parenting is made easy with our gift for your newborn baby.\"
Muntean explains that the secret of having the life they really want is available to parents mostly through the power of BEING, which is what successful parents have known for years.
For more information about Teodor Miroslav Muntean\'s book, Baby\'s First Year, visit the website for the book, at:
Parents who need to learn how to BE successful or want more information about parenting and parental control will also find a free and comprehensive parenting resource website at .
Contact Information Teodor M. Muntean Ecostar Design